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FIWARE Release 7.9.1 リリース


FIWARE Release 7.9.1 がリリースされました。この FIWARE リリースは、次のもので構成されています:

  • 15 FIWARE Generic enablers
    Orion, Scorpio, STH Comet, Cygnus, IDAS, Wirecloud, Kurento, Cosmos, Keyrock, Wilma, Authzforce, CKAN+, BizFramework, FogFlow, Draco
  • 13 Incubated Generic enablers
    FastRTPS, Micro XRCE-DDS, FIROS, OpenMTC, Domibus, QuantumLeap, Perseo, APInf, Idra, OpenVidu, Orion-LD, Stellio, Oliot
  • Knowage Generic Enabler は、より商業的なビジネスモデルに従うことを望んでいるため、カタログから削除され、FIWARE Marketplace に追加されました。


以下のプロジェクトは、FIWARE Release 7.9.1 の一部としてリリースされています:

Context Brokers

Chapter Project Version Notes
✳️ core orion 2.4.2 NGSIv2 Broker
✳️ core scorpio 1.0.3 NGSI-LD Broker
✴️ core orion-ld 0.5.0 NGSI-LD Broker
✴️ core stellio 0.17.0 NGSI-LD Broker

Core Context Management

Chapter Project Version Notes
✳️ core cygnus 2.6.0
✳️ core sth-comet 2.8.0
✳️ core draco 1.3.3
✳️ core cosmos-flink 1.2.4
✳️ core cosmos-spark 1.2.2
✴️ core quantum-leap 0.8

Interface with IoT, Robots and Third-Party Systems

Chapter Project Version Notes
✳️ iot-agents iotagent-ultralight 1.15.0 IDAS
✳️ iot-agents iotagent-lightweightM2M 1.4.0 IDAS
✳️ iot-agents iotagent-node-lib 2.14.0 IDAS
✳️ iot-agents iotagent-LoRaWAN 1.2.3 IDAS
✳️ iot-agents iotagent-json 1.16.0 IDAS
✳️ iot-agents iotagent-opcua 1.3.9 IDAS
✴️ iot-agents iotagent-sigfox 1.4.0 IDAS
✴️ iot-agents OpenMTC 1.3.0
✴️ robotics Fast-DDS 2.1.0
✴️ robotics Micro XRCE-DDS 1.3.0
✴️ robotics FIROS 0.3.0
✴️ third-party domibus 4.2
✴️ third-party oliot 1.0.0

Processing, Analysis and Visualization

Chapter Project Version Notes
✳️ media-streams kurento 6.15.0
✳️ visualization wirecloud 1.3.1 日本語対応
✳️ processing fogflow 3.0
✴️ processing perseo/back-end 1.6.0
✴️ processing perseo/front-end 1.14.0
✴️ media-streams open-vidu 2.16.0

Context Data/API Management, Publication and Monetization

Chapter Project Version Notes
✳️ data-publication ckan-extensions 7.7.0
✳️ data-publication business-api 7.6.0
✴️ data-publication apinf 0.60.0
✴️ data-publication idra 2.1.1
✳️ security keyrock 7.9.1
✳️ security authzforce 9.1.0
✳️ security wilma 7.9.1


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